M.U.H 03/06/2021
I am sure you have heard about bringing a revolution from your own yard
,Let me tell you a tale of the Leader of the Hearts As the lesson of Faith it does imparts A boy who was orphaned when he was just in his month; four
M.U.H 03/05/2021
The Islamic Revolution of Iran has set a long-term pragmatic strategy in a bid to launch a justice-based peace in the region and reclaim the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation. The strategy ai...
M.U.H 02/05/2021
The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and the establishment of the Islamic government is the strongest proof for the disinherited masses
M.U.H 22/11/2020
Books have already been written detailing the miracles performed by Prophet Muhammad. One of the best references detailing the Prophet's miracles is no doubt Bihar al-Anwar by `allama al-Majlisi. As m...
M.U.H 26/08/2020
On every Ashura, the 10th day of the Muslim calendar month of Muharram (which is on September 10 this year), millions of Muslims across the world commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandso...
M.U.H 19/05/2018
The birth anniversary of the promised Mahdi (May God hasten his return) is indeed a celebration for all pure and free humans of the world - Ayatollah Khamenei
M.U.H 21/04/2018
No more than 50 years had passed since the death of Muhammad (the last Prophet of Islam) and the Muslim Empire was sliding into corruption under a tyrant from the Ummayad dynasty, Yazid.
M.U.H 31/03/2018
Imam Ali was born on the 13th of Rajab of the 30th year of the Elephant (A.D. 600). His cousin, Muhammad, was now 30 years old. Ali’s parents were Abu Talib ibn Abdul Muttalib, and Fatima, the daughte...
M.U.H 17/03/2018
Written By Catherine Shakdam